The board now recognizes five voting members 这个委员会共有5名委员
Any three voting members of the board may request a special meeting at any time by written notification to the secretary 认证部中的任何三名成员单位,可以联名以书面形式提请召开特别会议,并应向秘书明确提议召开会议的目的。
A member representative whose behavior is detrimental to the board may be dismissed with a majority of not less than two - thirds of all the voting members ( see : list of nandtb - cn members ) 如果代表的行为有损于认证部工作,其代表资格可由认证部全体有表决权的成员(见成员列表)以不低于其三分之二的表决通过后,予以取消。